Electrical Board - Education Subcommittee Meeting Update (11/9/18)

The Electrical Board Education Subcommittee met on November 9th to discuss incorporating the Hot Work Safety Certificate to the 15-hr. CE and/or 6-hr. professional development classes. Strong concerns that adding 3 hours of Hot Work will not allow enough time to address the required updates that are needed as part of the 15-hour CE program.  A discussion to make this part of the on-site safety component of the JM curriculum was suggested and whether this would require a CMR regulatory change?  A recommendation was made for the committee to present their questions to the general board.  The committee reviewed the pending school renewal applications (GCI was approved). They also approved a provider’s 15-hour CE on-line training after reviewing his presentation.  This presentation opened a lengthy discussion on the need for the Electrical Board to consider hybrid and/or on-line trainings to help electrical apprentices through the 600 hours or at least allow as make up classes.  Lastly, a suggestion to ask the board to consider revisiting increasing ratios to two apprentices to one Journeyman was made.